So sometime in 2011, I had this other wonderfully, brilliant idea that I needed a DSLR camera. I had my point & shoot with some nifty color options, but that just wasn't doing it for me. I wanted that cool blur (which I think is what they refer to as bokeh or something of the sort (see what having an uberly expensive camera does...well, maybe you do cause I still surely don't).
But anyways, I wanted an awesome camera to take awesome shots. I mean c'mon, there are like four children in this house, one of which is actually cute, so why not spend a bunch of money on a camera. So I have it and I managed to take some pictures with it. Some turned out great, but most of them sucked terribly
What's the moral of the story? Hell if I know. But maybe if there had to be one, you should really consider your purchase before buying a DSLR. The pictures look awesome once you know what you are doing, but at other times,'d be better off with a point & shoot.
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